Singulars and Plurals

Make the plural from singulars

Make plurals by adding “s”

Examples are given below:
Singulars              Plurals
Ball                   Balls
Boat                  Boats
Bird                  Birds
Cat                   Cats
Car                   Cars
House                Houses
Hen                  Hens
Gun                  Guns
Gate                 Gates
River                 Rivers
Mountain             Mountains

If singular noun ending in s, sh, ch, x, o and z then we can make a plural by adding -es.

A few examples are given below:
Singular     plurals
Bush                     Bushes
Box                      Boxes
Pitch                     Pitches
Class                     Classes

If a singular noun is ending in a consonant y then we make the plural by dropping y and adding -ies.  

Some examples are given below:
Singular              Plural
Baby                 Babies
City                  Cities
Currency             Currencies
Spy                  Spies
Cry                   Cries               

Here are some examples of irregular noun plural:

Singular            Plural
Child              Children
Tooth             Teeth
Child              Children
Man               Men
Woman            Women
Mouse             Mice
Foot               Feet
Knife              Knives
Half               Halves
Goose             Geese
Potato             Potatoes
Wife               Wives
Loaf               Loaves
Potato             potatoes
Elf                 Elves
Leaf               Leaves
Cactus             Cacti
Fugues            Fungi
Analysis           Analyses
Diagnosis         Diagnoses
Syllabus          Syllabuses
Thesis            Theses
Oasis             Oases
Phenomenon      Phenomena

If the noun has vowel ending sound like ‘y’ or ‘o’ do not have definite rules a few examples are given below:

Singular       plural
 Toy        toys
 Baby       babies
 Potato      Potatoes
 Memo      Memos
Kidney      Kidneys

Some singular and plural are written in the same form examples are given below:

Singular            Plural
Fish               Fish
Deer              Deer
Sheep            Sheep
Aircraft           Aircraft
Species          Species
