Tenses Sentences English to Urdu


The concept of tense in English is a way to refer to time - past, present and future. 

Many languages use tense to talk about time. Other languages have no concept of tense at all, but of

 course they can still talk about time, using different methods.

past - before now (before present)

present - now, or any time that includes now (this time)

future - after now (next time)


Vocabulary is a list or collection of words or of words and phrases which are usually

 alphabetically arranged and explained or defined.

What are Similes Use of As Use of Like Compairing Words


*What are Similes*

A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two things. Similes differ from metaphors by highlighting the similarities between two things using comparison words such as "like", "as", "so", or "than",

a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind.


*Examples of Simile* :

Similerties with as, like and than, what are similerte

*Definition of Idiom*

An idiom is an expression that takes on a symbolic meaning when certain words are combined, which is almost different from the exact definition of the individual words. For example, let's say I said: 'Don't worry, expression is a piece of cake.' We would understand that the Idiom 'piece of cake' means that it's simple and easy.

English Idioms and Urdu Meanings:

Daily Use English Idioms about Face | Face Englis Idioms | Face Idioms

Past Continuous Tense

Definition Past continuous tense:

This tense tells us about the things or actions which were happening (going on) at some time in the past.

Past Continuous Tense Interrogative Sentences in English and Urdu
