What are Similes Use of As Use of Like Compairing Words

What are Similes Use of As Use of Like Compairing Words:

*What are Similes*

A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two things. Similes differ from metaphors by highlighting the similarities between two things using comparison words such as "like", "as", "so", or "than",

a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind


*Examples of Similes* :

*Similes using ‘as’*

As busy as a bee

As innocent as a lamb

As proud as a peacock

As fast as a leopard

As blind as a bat

As bold as brass

As brave as a horse

As cold as ice

As white as snow

As tall as a giraffe

As sweet as sugar

As strong as an ox

As old as the hills

As cool as a cucumber

As clear as a crystal

As clear as mud

As tough as leather

As good as gold

As light as a feather

As deep as the ocean

As cunning as a fox

As clean as a whistle

As sharp as a razor

As gentle as a lamb

As bright as the moon


*Similes using ‘like’*


Jumps like a frog

Sings like a cuckoo

Sings like an angel

Runs like the wind

wise like an owl

Have eyes like a hawk

Runs like a horse

Swim like a fish

Climbs like a monkey

Sleeps like a baby

Similes Use of As Use of Like Compairing Words

Similes Use of As Use of Like Compairing Words

Similes Use of As Use of Like Compairing Words

Similes Use of As Use of Like Compairing Words

Similes Use of As Use of Like Compairing Words

Similes Use of As Use of Like Compairing Words

Similes Use of As Use of Like Compairing Words

Similes Use of As Use of Like Compairing Words
