Multiple Questions Puzzles

Puzzles for kids

Are u genius? Let me check with multiple questions puzzles

Can you tell?

Q.1 The (18 – 9) is=?
A: (9)

Q.2 The square root of (49) is?
A: (7)

Q.3 The Roman Number (C) stands for?
A: 100

Q.4 A century stands for?
A: (100)

Q.5 how can we write the Whole Numbers?
A: Whole Numbers are simply the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7- - - -

Q.6 Which is greater (-70) or (5)?
A: (5)

Q.7 (42 +17) is =?
A: (59)

Q.8 (35 +25) – (10)
A: (50)

Q.9 (33 x 3) =?
A: (99)

Q.10 The square root of 36 is?
A: (6)

Q.11 The square root of 64 is?
A: (8)

Q.12 The squared ‘6’ is =?
A: (36)

Q.13 What is (100 x 0)?
A: (0)

Q.14 What comes next: 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, __?
A: (29)

Q.15 The Roman Number (M) stands for?
A: 1000

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