Animals Information

Information About Animals for Kids

The butterflies are known as:


Bats are known as:


Crocodile keep their mouths open while lying on the banks of a river on a hot day:

Because crocodiles do not have any sweat glands, the only way to release the heat is through their mouth. So, they rest and sleep with their mouth open to release heat.

A honey bee have pairs of wings:

Two pairs.

The dolphin a fish is:

A mammal.

The bees are not found in the continent:


The biggest of the ‘big cats’ in the planet is:

The tiger. Its weight is estimated over about 300 kilograms or 660 pounds.

The kangaroos are considered as:

carnivore’s animals.

Cats sleep per day:

An average of about 13 to 14 hours a day.

Giraffes are found in the only continent:


The fastest land animal in the world is:

The cheetah. Its speed on short bursts reaches up to 75 mph.

A collective group of lions are called:

A Pride.

Snakes have skin:

Snakes skin is smooth, cold, soft and dry skin.

The animal which called a doe is:

Female deer is known as doe.

Female elephants are called:


The largest chimp in the world is:

The Gorilla.

Rabbits are born as:


Sharks are known as:

A fish not a mammal.

The largest land animal in the world is:

The elephant.
